What this?
I love to learn and I can spend hours at a time reading up on science, economics, politics, philosophy, history, personal finance, corporate finance, and much more. However, I have been cursed with a fairly terrible memory, so I often find myself unable to recount vital details of what I have learned more than a few weeks after I have learned it. I hope to use this blog as a platform to record my thoughts so that they can be easily accessed, edited, shared, and improved upon.
In general, I strive to keep my notes:
- Iterative: Build up this site piece by piece while editing old posts to clarify or correct them to maintain their usefulness.
- Modular: Keep things short and topical; larger themes and topics will (ideally) be connected nodes of entries rather than a large, single entry. Splitting anything into its smallest possible chunks is always a good practice for optimal searchability, legibility, and maintainability.
- Approachable: I love using visualizations and analogies because I think they make even the most obscure, abstract and esoteric ideas seem more relatable–both to me and to others.
Some projects I hope to develop through this blog:
- Cheat sheets: There are so many detailed tutorials for beginners out there in the wild (though they are often outdated or incorrect) but there seem to be few resources for developers who are already fairly familiar with the topic but just need some additional guidance getting reacquainted with the material (rather than a verbose, detailed how-to).
- Rosetta Stone: Learn another language by translating concepts and commands from one you already know.
- Visual guides: With the power of the web, it is fairly easy to create dynamic graphics that are incredibly useful in creating mental models and understanding fundamental principles. Algorithms and network diagrams, especially, can benefit from this approach.
Most of all, I have kept this whole thing open-source in the hopes that it won’t be limited by just my knowledge, time, and efforts, but rather so that anyone who is willing to contribute to its development is able to do so.
Let’s see how it goes!